Thursday, 24 July 2008

Summer Holiday!

Well, after nine months of panic, pressure and procrastination, I have finally completed my first year at medical school. It seems an age ago that I stepped into the department for the first time, years since those introductory lectures on biochemistry and protein formation. And yet, it also feels as though no time has passed at all; the year seems to have gone past in a heartbeat. I know so much more than I did this time last year; however, I am aware that in the scheme of things, I know less than nothing.
There have been times where I have questioned my motivations for doing this difficult degree (mostly during anatomy class - still my least favourite subject), but on the whole I am still excited and enthused about the challenges that lie ahead, the new and fascinating things to learn. Year two is very similar to year one - we still have anatomy classes, and spend almost all of our time in lectures, although we do have Basic Clinical Skills to look forward to, as well our Selected Study Component, in which we study our choice of projects. Unlike the first two terms, we are now looking at medicine in a systematic way - we have already looked at the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. Next year, we'll be learning about the respiratory system, the endocrine and reproductive system, the GI system, the renal system and the nervous system. After year two, we become more like apprentices, spending more of our time learning clinical skills and spending time in placement.
I have spent the last six weeks being utterly sick of medicine, stressed and tired. Now, I can't wait for the first of October, when the lectures start again.